Sunday, April 6, 2008

Feathered Ball Is A Hit!

Feathered Ball Is A Hit!

I usually don`t post in the blog so early, but after I finalized yesterdays entry, something funny happened afterward!

Late last night (just for kicks) I had taken one of our cats feathered balls and was waving it at the edge of Tank and Mocha`s cage, much in the way I use it to engage our feline companions. Amazingly, Tank jumped at it - playing with the feathers with such gusto I could hardly believe it! Now, I`ve read before that gliders like cat toys (feather wands being a favorite), but I`d never imagined that the response would be so good. Mocha was also equally enticed. They rather reminded me of small kittens, playing with a ball!


Tank Playing With Feather Ball

Mocha Playing With Feather Ball