Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Day 5: Mocha Says, "Leash Training Is Not For Me!"

Day 5: Mocha Says, "Leash Training Is Not For Me!"

We attempted to try out Mocha on the 'leash' we received from the breeder tonight. It`s a simple contraption really; just a long piece of cord with a loop (for your finger) on one end and an adjustable loop on the other for the glides neck. We managed to slip the loop over Mocha`s head with little difficulty, however, she did not handle well with the tie. The largish clip (which helps adjust the tightness) was constantly getting under foot and tripping her up, and when that didn`t prove a problem - she got easily tangled in the rope.
Mocha On Her Leash

It was decided at that time, that Tank and Mocha would not be trained further using the leash technique. And in truth, they do rather well uninhibited outside the cage.

They continue to get friendlier every day - climbing onto both me and Troy`s hands without treat incentive. Tank is also becoming a little more active (a relief), and Mocha well... she remains as energetic as ever! She`s even taken to chewing at the hair on Troy`s arms and knuckles for fun. Aside for the wheel, that seems to be one of her favorite things to do!

Tank In My Pocket