Cat Toys Continue To Please
Well, I guess I should have guessed it when the gliders took a shine to the feathered ball, that the BELL balls would also be an instant favorite.
I washed up a few of the belled balls (that the cats weren`t playing with) tonight, and put them into Tank and Mocha`s cage. The results were both encouraging as well as humorous. In fact, it brought out some more very feline-like behavior out of them - pouncing and swatting among some of the more obvious to point out. At least I know what section to brows at the pet store in the future for additional entertainment.
Well, I guess I should have guessed it when the gliders took a shine to the feathered ball, that the BELL balls would also be an instant favorite.
I washed up a few of the belled balls (that the cats weren`t playing with) tonight, and put them into Tank and Mocha`s cage. The results were both encouraging as well as humorous. In fact, it brought out some more very feline-like behavior out of them - pouncing and swatting among some of the more obvious to point out. At least I know what section to brows at the pet store in the future for additional entertainment.
Ball and wheel - Whacha lookin at?
Washed the gliders cage from top to bottom today while they were asleep. They are by no means 'messy' but it definitely needed it. We are using corncob bedding now as opposed to the newspaper we used back when we first brought the babies home. After some additional researched, Troy and I learned that it was by far, one of the safest, more absorbent materials out their for lining a cage. I rather like it actually. A huge, 20 lb bag feels more like 10 or 15 as the chopped cob pieces are so lightweight! lol