Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Barking Escape Artists

The Barking Escape Artists

No pictures for this entry, but that won`t stop me from reporting the humorous evening that we`ve had!

First and foremost, we got to hear our first 'barking' out of the gliders since bringing them home.

Early this morning (maybe 7:30 or 8am), Troy and I heard a strange sound coming out of the computer room, where we keep the glider cage. I suspected it was one of them barking, however, my husband has never heard that sound before. He feared the worst - believing one of them to be hurt or worse. SO... he went flying into the computer room on high alert. Needless to say, I laughed pretty hard at his concern. The sound was coming from Tank. He wanted Mocha to join him in their pouch (I`m assuming), that or he was just hoping for a positive response out of us - which he duly received. LOL

Later on, we gave the babies a small platter of fruit and veggies to eat. They nibbled for about a half hour before really coming alive and starting to play. Thats when we let them do some 'free-range' outside the cage. Mocha has become quite the little jumper! Tank is good too, though he appears less fearless than his female counterpart. She will even jump for the doorframe and manage to somehow latch onto it! LOL

We put them back in the cage after about 45 minutes worth of play at which time, I decided to give them each a meal worm (we are using freeze dried until they get a little older and actually want to eat them). I stuck my hand in through the cage door to give them the treat and well - Mocha used that opportunity to give me the slip! She snuck through the tiny opening my wrist afforded in the door! Obviously, she enjoys being outside and able to roam as she pleases!

Tonight was easily, the most entertaining play exchange that we`ve had since bringing Tank and Mocha home.